China May Have Deployed More Solar in 2013 Alone Than America Has Installed Altogether
China has the fastest train in the world, the most megacities in the world, and the biggest population . Now China can boast a new record: It has installed the most solar PV in one year. Preliminary figures released by Bloomberg New Energy Finance (BNEF) show that China installed 12,000 megawatts of solar in 2013 — beating Germany’s record of 8,000 megawatts in 2010. These figures merit a major caveat, however. China is a very tough country to track and estimates differ significantly. China’s Renewable Energy Industries Association puts its preliminary estimate between 9,500 megawatts and 10,660 megawatts. GTM Research has not released its figures yet; it’s waiting for a final number on actual grid connections. The range of projections varies, but they all tell the same story: China’s domestic solar market is now a major force. In comparison, the booming U.S. market […]