The argument of the EIA and UT/BEG that their projections of shale gas production from the plays mentioned in the Nature  article are fundamentally similar is untrue, given the publicly available data. The implications of the EIA being wrong on its projections of cheap and abundant gas for decades are considerable, given that investment decisions are now being made based on these projections— including construction of infrastructure for LNG exports, gas-fired generation and even crude oil exports. Hence it is worthwhile to examine the EIA’s optimistic projections in more detail in light of the projections available from UT/BEG and the  Drilling Deeper  report (DD). Three Methodologies The two  published   UT/BEG studies  are indeed complex, focusing on myriad estimated and measured variables and the development of a tiering of sections utilizing well productivity and other data from which they infer cost of production and future production profiles. They limit […]