If Independence Day were about feting the U.S. weaning itself from foreign oil and forging a renewables future, the man behind our call of the day probably wouldn’t be sounding the alarm on a potentially devastating crisis by the end of the decade. But it’s not. And we aren’t. And he is. Yes, according to the latest warning from Chris Martenson of the Peak Prosperity blog, there’s an oil shock looming as early as 2018. Not just any oil shock, either. The impact of this particularly nasty spike will be severe and long-lasting, he believes. “There will be an extremely painful oil supply shortfall sometime between 2018 and 2020,” he explains. “It’ll be highly disruptive to our over-leveraged global financial system, given how saddled it is with record debts and unfunded IOUs.” Martenson said there is a way to avoid it — but that’s only if the world economy […]