Six states in the US Northeast are adopting ultra-low sulfur heating oil specifications on July 1, completing a stair-stepping transition that began six years ago and leaving few options for high- and low-sulfur heating oil in the fuels’ largest demand area of the country. Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Vermont, Connecticut, Maine, New Hampshire, and the District of Colombia are transitioning to ultra-low sulfur heating oil, capping sulfur in heating oil at 15 ppm. For most of the states, the move represents the end of a transition that began in 2014 when sulfur limits shifted from more than 2,000 ppm to 500 ppm, or low sulfur heating oil. The exceptions are Maine and New Hampshire, which will be transitioning directly from high-sulfur heating oil to ULSHO. New York was the first state to lower sulfur limits, switching to ULSHO in 2012. With all of New England transitioning, the only two states […]