European primary gas demand fell 1.9% to 599 Bcm in 2018, while renewable power generation grew 8.5% to 1,462 TWh, the International Energy Agency said in a report Tuesday. Receive daily email alerts, subscriber notes & personalize your experience. Register Now The figures reveal how renewables are displacing both coal and gas in European power generation, in contrast to the US and China, where gas demand climbed sharply on coal-to-gas switching.
Renewables reached a record 37% share of German power generation in 2018, overtaking coal for the first time, the IEA said in its Global Energy and CO2 Status Report 2018. They also reached a record 35% share of the UK’s total 335 TWh of power generation in 2018, while coal’s share fell to a record low of 5%. Overall, European primary coal demand fell 2.6% to 462 million metric tons of coal equivalent, while demand grew […]