Sea surface temperature anomalies during the 2015-2016 El Nino event. (NOAA) Climate change is reshaping the evolution and intensity of El Niño events in a way that favors the occurrence of more “super” El Niños, according to a study published Monday. The study examines 33 El Niño events from 1901 through 2017, and concludes that since the late 1970s, there has been a westward shift by up to thousands of miles in where in the Pacific Ocean El Niño is originating and peaking in intensity, as well as a boost in the odds of extremely strong El Niño events. The westward move is significant, since it means El Niño is now forming and peaking in a region of the Pacific Ocean that is naturally warmer. This can increase the chances of a moderate to strong event. The multinational team of researchers found that climate change is disproportionately warming the […]