There’s nothing quite like the feeling of uncertainty and dread right in the moments before a disaster of gargantuan proportions unfolds in front of our eyes. We might be living in that moment now if immediate measures aren’t taken to prevent what is soon to be an oil spill so horrifically devastating that it would be eight times bigger than the Exxon Valdez oil spill, which spewed 10.8 million US gallons of crude oil into the waters off the coast of Alaska in 1989. Right now, there is a floating storage and offloading facility floating in the Gulf of Paria off the coast of Venezuela, and it could sink at any moment, sending a catastrophic quantity of oil–80 million gallons–into the crystalline waters of the Caribbean Sea, ranking it as one of the top ten worst oil spills in world history. The Venezuelan vessel, called the Nabarima, is reportedly […]