Highlights Average of $4.27 needed for ‘significant’ jump Volumes forecast to average record low in 2022 Operators in the US Rocky Mountain region said natural gas prices must maintain an average of more than $4/MMBtu before any significant ramp-up in production occurs, according to the latest survey by the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City. Receive daily email alerts, subscriber notes & personalize your experience. Register Now The average price needed to significantly boost drilling and completion activity was $4.27/MMBtu, oil and gas firms operating in the region said. This is a much higher price point than the survey has ever recorded. The previous high mark required for Henry Hub to accelerate production was $3.97/MMBtu, recorded during the fourth quarter of 2016. “Year-over-year indexes increased further from the previous survey,” read the federal report. “The year-over-year drilling and business activity index rose from 69 to 75. The indexes for […]