Seaborne product exports hit most but crude flows little changed India buys more crude while China flows hold steady Diesel imports surge to the Netherlands’ oil refining/storage hub Russia’s seaborne exports of crude and oil products appear to be more resilient to sanctions and boycotts than expected as India takes advantage of discounted crude and a few buyers reroute imports to Europe’s Amsterdam-Rotterdam-Antwerp refining and storage hub, according to shipping analytics provider Kpler. Receive daily email alerts, subscriber notes & personalize your experience. Register Now Russian seaborne crude exports, excluding CPC flows, were little changed at 4.54 million b/d in the month to April 20, after just a 52,000 b/d fall from February to March, according to Kpler shipping data. Over the same period, exports of Russia’s key clean and dirty oil products rose 273,000 b/d month on month in the first three weeks of April after shrinking […]