Drought-related cactus installation called “Desert of Cantareira” by Brazilian artist and activist Mundano is seen at Atibainha dam The author is a Reuters Breakingviews columnist. The opinions expressed are his own. California Governor Jerry Brown may want to look Down Under for relief from the state’s years-long drought. The amount of water stored in reservoirs and snowcaps is so low that on Wednesday he ordered an unprecedented 25 percent cut in statewide use. It’s a wise though belated move. Now he needs a comprehensive plan to help turn California’s water woes around. Melbourne, Australia offers a good model. The city suffered through what’s known as the millennium drought between 1997 and 2009. Like their California counterparts, Melbourne officials failed to react at first. They assumed abnormally low rainfall and high temperatures would not last for long, and enough water was flowing into city reservoirs to meet residents’ needs. That […]