The North Dakota Industrial Commission has published the July production data for The Bakken and for all North Dakota . Bakken production was down 5,430 barrels per day while all North Dakota was down 9,410 bpd. Bakken Amplified Here is a more amplified view of what has happened during the last 12 months. Bakken BPD Per Well Bakken barrels per day per well has been falling faster than for all North Dakota. This is because a lot of very low producing conventional wells are being shut down. North Dakota BPD This is chart reflects the monthly change in North Dakota barrels per day of production. It is quite noisy but the 12 month trailing average reflects a steady decline since December of 2014. From the Director’s Cut , bold mine. June Sweet Crude Price1 = $47.73/barrel July Sweet Crude Price = $39.41/barrel Aug Sweet Crude Price = $29.52/barrel Today’s […]