Highlights Significantly lower than levels in past two years Russian storage sites currently 83% full: Miller Domestic gas supply, withdrawals at 10-year high Russia’s Gazprom expects to have 1 Bcm of gas stored at its sites in Europe by the end of December, company chief Alexei Miller said late Dec. 29, a level significantly below that of recent years. Receive daily email alerts, subscriber notes & personalize your experience. Register Now Russian President Vladimir Putin in late October asked Gazprom to begin restocking at five sites in Europe — thought to be Rehden, Katharina, Jemgum, and Etzel in Germany and Haidach in Austria — once it had completed its domestic storage injection program on Nov. 8. Gazprom also has access to storage in the Netherlands, Czech Republic and Serbia. “In November and December, Mr President, on your instructions, Gazprom injected its own gas into underground storage facilities in Europe,” […]