Mexico plans to build a $1.4 billion “energy corridor” between the Gulf Coast and the Pacific, state energy company Pemex said Thursday, in what appears to be part of a drive to reduce the country’s dependence on the US market. Pemex said the strategy is based on linking the nation’s concentration of oil and gas production on the Gulf Coast with potential markets in Asia, Central and South America. The corridor would run along the Isthmus of Tehuantepec between the Gulf Coast oil and petrochemicals port of Pajaritos and Salina Cruz, the only Mexican oil port on the Pacific Coast. Article continues below… Request a free trial of: Oilgram News Oilgram News brings you fast-breaking global petroleum and gas news on and including: Industry players, upstream and downstream markets, refineries, midstream transportation and financial reports Supply and demand trends, government actions, exploration and […]