Peak Oil: What’s Their Plan C?
Given that shale oil production is, in fact, currently doing the most to meet growing oil demand, any shale oil ‘bust’ is likely to have significant implications for an already-strained oil market. [1] While there’s some (strained) logic to the efforts of fossil fuel industry officials and their spokespeople to do nothing but offer the most optimistic scenarios and forecasts about future oil supply and production, it’s impossible to imagine that those in charge are not contemplating the very same facts we on the “other side” of the discussion regularly share. Facts are stubborn things. They refuse to go away, for one. Ideology and optimism may carry one today, but eventually there simply is nothing left to contend with except those often-inconvenient truths. It’s also understandable that foregoing today the accessible and still-economically-feasible extraction and production opportunities at hand in favor of transitioning their own efforts to efforts largely […]