Electric Currents I came across this OpEd this morning by , a former financial advisory and retired attorney, now turned author. Besides turning his ‘pen’ to fiction, he also blogs on energy issues, Peak Oil, in particular, so critics will likely call him, and me, ‘true believers.’ But our particular tribe trusts facts and verifiable numbers, not loose estimations and overly-rosy forecasts, like predicting Americas’ energy independence based on fracking and tar sands. Richard has analyzed the arguments aimed at debunking ‘Peak Oil’ and found that very little substantive data is used. Instead critics turn to the same tactics used by tobacco companies and global warming deniers. I thought his comments and observations worth sharing with EV World readers. Bill Moore Denial Tricks of the Trade On an issue fraught with the potential for so much societal disruption as peak oil presents (like its kin, climate change), and the […]