Knowing where to place perforations and individual hydraulic fracturing stages remains a challenge for the oil and gas industry. As a result of incorrect hydraulic fracturing, approximately 25 to 30 percent of zones in unconventional wells don’t produce. “We understand where we want to place and drill wells, but often, Mother Earth is complex,” said Dan Buller, global advisor and principal petrophysicist for unconventional reservoir optimization and formation & reservoir solutions at Halliburton. “Placing these horizontal wells exactly where they’re targeted is problematic sometimes. Once you’ve done the drilling and/or geosteering, you want to evaluate where you’ve penetrated the earth model. Once you penetrate, where are the optimal places to stage frac a well and to place perforations?” To address this issue, the company created FracInsight, an unbiased repeatable tool that selects perforations and frac stage locations from the best available formation evaluation data along a horizontal well. FracInsight […]