Even the most ardent techno-optimists and economists admit there are limited supplies of fossil fuels, but that we don’t need to worry for a long time. It appears they have succeeded in convincing the government they’re right, because there are only 2 documents about planning for peak oil that I’m aware of at the federal level (several cities have peak oil task force recommendations): Hirsch, R. L., et al. February 2005. Peaking of World Oil Production: Impacts, mitigation, & risk management . Department of Energy. GAO. 2007. Crude oil. Uncertainty about future oil supply makes it important to develop a strategy for addressing a peak and Decline in Oil Production . U.S. Government Accountability Office. Congress is very aware of our energy situation, they just don’t call it “peak oil” very often. You’ll get a lot of hits on “energy security” or “energy crisis” at http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/ The problem is […]