The ruble headed for the lowest level in a week as support from monthly tax deadlines subsided and investors turned their attention to the Bank of Russia’s dollar purchases and companies’ foreign debt payments. The Russian currency weakened 1.3 percent to 54.6350 per dollar by 4:21 p.m. in Moscow, extending its drop this month to 4.2 percent, the most among 24 emerging markets tracked by Bloomberg. Government bonds fell, lifting the yield on five-year ruble debt four basis points to 11.16 percent. Companies have accumulated the rubles they need to pay the equivalent of about $10 billion in local tax this week, bringing concern over looming external debt redemptions and dividend payments to foreigners to the fore, according to VTB Capital. The Bank of Russia has bought almost $5 billion on the market since May 13 as it seeks to gradually boost its foreign currency reserves to $500 billion […]