The Canadian energy industry’s second choice for prime minister is looking like the safest bet to revive its appeal to investors. While Liberal Justin Trudeau is supportive of environmental policies some energy producers may not like, his Monday victory puts into power a moderate government that stands between Conservatives who haven’t been able to advance key parts of the industry’s agenda and a more left-leaning party that’s seen as a strident foe. Trudeau is pledging to support new pipelines, help open markets for Canada’s oil and lure investment into the industry, while attempting to appease oil-sands opponents with more stringent curbs on pollution. His approach contrasts with the touting of projects by Stephen Harper, the outgoing leader whose repeated calls for approval of Keystone XL strained relations with U.S. President Barack Obama. “Trudeau has said nothing but positive things about Alberta’s energy industry,” said Stephen Carter, a Calgary-based non-partisan […]