Venezuela’s 1989 fuel price hike helped spark riots that left hundreds dead, traumatized the country and spooked future presidents from touching the world’s cheapest fuel. Yet the most significant rise since then hit pumps on Friday across the crisis-hit OPEC producer with barely a murmur. That was because the price hike, which translated to 1,329 percent for 91-octane-rated gasoline and 6,086 percent for 95 octane, still left fuel as one of the cheapest buys in the country. Besides, many of the country’s 29 million people have bigger worries on their minds these days. Venezuela’s 91 octane gasoline now costs 1 bolivar per liter and 95 octane gasoline 6 bolivars – the latter being 60 U.S. cents at the strongest official rate, but just $0.006 on the black market. […]