Dean has provided me with his latest update for Texas Oil and Natural Gas production. Texas C+C output has increased slightly over the first 3 months of 2016. Texas C+C output was 3549 kb/d in March 2016, about 39 kb/d higher than February. Texas crude output was 3079 kb/d in March 2016, about 29 kb/d higher than February. Condensate output was 470 kb/d in March 2016, 11 kb/d higher than February. Natural gas output in Texas was 24,690 MMCF/d, 309 MMCF/d higher than February. Using RRC data, I determined the percentage of Texas C+C output produced in the Eagle Ford Shale from April 2012 to March 2016. This percentage was than multiplied by Dean’s estimate for Texas C+C output to get an estimate of Eagle Ford C+C output from April 2012 to March 2016. The Chart below compares the RRC data for the Eagle Ford with my estimate using […]