The missing document might be titled “Trump’s Electricity Policy Will Make America Great Again.” Donald Trump, the GOP’s presumptive Presidential nominee, has a utility policy. Needless to say it may have consequences. Finding it just requires some reading between the lines. Mr. Trump’s major presentation on energy, “An America First Energy Plan”, delivered in North Dakota the other day contained these basic ideas: 1) Less environmental regulation, less government interference, and cut EPA funding; 2) Build the Keystone XL Pipeline; 3) Declare “American energy dominance,” eliminate oil exports from OPEC and other so- called “hostile” nations; 4) Save the coal industry; 5) Use “revenues from energy production” to fund infrastructure investment. Except for that last liberal nostrum about infrastructure, Mr. Trump’s four points accurately summarize conventional Republican Party energy policy. The benefits of these policies had been conveniently quantified by a think tank noted for connections to the fossil […]

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