As the U.S. dollar climbs higher and higher (and higher), the crude complex is getting blown over by the gale-force headwinds it is providing. We edge closer and closer to the main event of the month (—>>> the OPEC meeting), but for now, hark, here are five things to consider in oil markets today: 1) Venezuela is apparently set to cut Petrocaribe oil and refined product supplies by 40 percent next year – in an effort to sell its exports elsewhere for more money. Petrocaribe is an alliance of 18 Caribbean and Central American countries who receive petroleum products from Venezuela at a preferential rate. As Venezuelan production has been dropping in recent years, our ClipperData illustrate below that even flows into the key markets of China, India and the U.S. have also seen some drop-off. Given the proximity and sophistication of U.S. Gulf refiners, it makes […]