It is now a well-known fact that humans are depleting vital groundwater resources across the globe. But a new study shows one of the biggest causes of disappearing groundwater is the international food trade. About 70 per cent of freshwater around the globe goes toward irrigation. Researchers from the University College, London and NASA’s Goddard Institute of Space Studies found that a third of the freshwater is drawn from the world’s aquifers-nonrenewable underground pockets of groundwater-and 11 per cent of that nonrenewable groundwater is used to irrigate internationally-traded crops. This means in time, the current type of food that’s grown will not be able to be produced, or we’ll not have the same productivity – showing and indicating that prices will increase. As per latest assessments, global food production has been assessed to rise by 70 per cent by 2050 to cater for growth in the world’s population by […]