After the recovery in global oil and gas drilling seen in 2018, this year the pace of drilling growth around the world is set to step up, albeit moderately, analysts at World Oil forecast. The undisputed leader in drilling activity last year was the United States, with shale production surging, and it will continue to lead growth in global drilling activity in 2019 as well. Excluding the United States, the world’s drilling activity is set to increase by 2.5 percent to 46,209 wells expected to be drilled in 2019, following more modest 1.6-percent growth in drilling in 2018, World Oil has estimated. Source: World Oil World Oil analysts have forecast drilling activity across eight major regions, in which they have included selected countries, typically the biggest oil and gas producers in each of those regions. The eight regions are North America excluding the U.S, South America, Western Europe, Eastern […]