The audio recordings are part of the evidence in a lawsuit filed last year against the Mexican government by a Mexican oil-field drilling company called Oro Negro. The company claims that Pemex, as the state oil company is known, helped drive Oro Negro into bankruptcy because the driller refused to pay bribes. The recordings, reviewed by The Wall Street Journal, offer a rare window into endemic corruption at Mexico’s largest state enterprise. Over the course of three months in 2017, Black Cube, at the behest of Oro Negro, secretly made dozens of hours of recordings of former and then-current Pemex officials describing an elaborate pay-to-play system at the state oil company, where bribes were accepted in return for contracts. Oro Negro’s top executives, in turn, face charges in Mexico for allegedly misappropriating funds. SHARE YOUR THOUGHTS What lessons can other companies take from Pemex’s dealings? Join the conversation below. […]