Under the newly reached five-year transit agreement, Ukraine will transit 65 Bcm of Russian gas to Europe in 2020 and 40 Bcm/year in 2021-2024, Gazprom CEO Alexei Miller said Saturday. Receive daily email alerts, subscriber notes & personalize your experience. Register Now “The organizing company [Naftogaz] will reserve transport capacities for five years in the amount of 225 Bcm, including 65 Bcm for 2020, 40 Bcm for 2021 and subsequent years, subject to the establishment of a competitive tariff,” Miller told reporters. Under the new five-year deal, which is to be signed by December 29, Russia will pay Ukraine some $2.9 billion, as ruled by the Stockholm arbitration court, and in turn the parties will drop their other legal claims against each other. “The settlement agreement provides for the waiver of new claims, the recall of arbitration and lawsuits in which there are no final decisions, and […]