IBM lifted the veil this week on a new battery for EVs, consumer devices, and electric grid storage that it says could be built from minerals and compounds found in seawater. (By contrast, many present-day batteries must source precious minerals like cobalt from dangerous and exploitative political regimes .) The battery is also touted as being non-flammable and able to recharge 80 percent of its capacity in five minutes. The battery’s specs are, says Donald Sadoway , MIT professor of materials chemistry, “staggering.” Some details are available in a Dec. 18 blog posted to IBM’s website. Yet, Sadoway adds, lacking any substantive data on the device, he has “no basis with which to be able to confirm or deny” the company’s claims. Young-hye Na , materials innovation manager for IBM Research’s battery division, says IBM has partnered with Mercedes Benz R&D North America , as well as […]