China cut an unprecedented 2.9 MMB/D in refinery runs in February It is likely that refinery runs will remain under severe pressure in March Overall, world refinery turnarounds are at a record level The coronavirus outbreak has now started to spread outside China, while the peak appears to have been reached in China. Economic activity is certainly slowing with regional recession risks increasing. Receive daily email alerts, subscriber notes & personalize your experience. Register Now Overall refinery runs during February are now estimated to be cutback by around 2.9 MMB/D from the prior year in China. This takes the form of both run cuts and planned maintenance-related turnarounds. The focus below is on outages, both planned and unplanned. The weak demand related downtime is in addition to this. Global CDU outages for the week ending March 13 are expected decrease to 7.69 MMB/D compared to the recent […]