China agreed to buy extra $52 bil of US energy products Brouillette has ‘every expectation’ China will honor deal The US sees no reason China will not honor its commitments to buy an additional $52 billion in US energy products over the next two years despite the economic impacts of the coronavirus outbreak, Secretary of Energy Dan Brouillette said Thursday. Receive daily email alerts, subscriber notes & personalize your experience. Register Now As part of the Phase 1 trade deal struck in January, China agreed to buy an additional $18.5 billion in US energy goods in 2020 and $33.9 billion in 2021, compared with 2017 levels. The deal called for LNG, crude oil, refined products and coal purchases, but did not set volumes. “It’s hard to tell [if it will] affect the purchases – I don’t have any expectations at this moment that it will,” Brouillette told reporters […]