China’s non-state oil quotas facilitate higher imports even as demand outlook remains weak In a deepening commodity crisis, Asian LNG exports remain resilient, but can this continue? Five states, representing more than half of US refining capacity, seek waiver of biofuel mandates This Spotlight by S&P Global Platts Analytics was first published April 22, 2020. China’s Ministry of Commerce (MOFCOM) has issued 53.88 million metric tons of non-state crude import quotas in the second batch for 2020, taking total allocations so far this year to 157.71 million mt. This is up 61.46 million mt, or 64%, from 96.25 million mt issued in the first four months of 2019 – and 4.61 million mt more than in the first two batches of quotas in 2019. Of the total quotas issued during the second round, independent refineries received […]