In the current climate, mean annual temperatures of greater than 84.2 degrees Fahrenheit (29 degrees Celsius) are restricted to the small dark areas in the Sahara region. In 2070, such conditions are projected to occur throughout the shaded area in a worst-case emissions scenario. Background colors represent the current mean annual temperatures. (Chi Xu) Just like insects, birds and animals, humans have a particular climate niche, scientists have found, with 6,000 years of human history demonstrating how society thrives when we stay within it and the turbulence that ensues when it is pushed out of this zone. In a stark new finding about the planet’s rapidly warming climate, a study finds that for every 1.8 degrees Fahrenheit (1 degree Celsius) of global average warming, 1 billion people will have to adapt or migrate to stay within climate conditions that are best suited for crop production, livestock and a sustainable […]