The African continent witnessed different reactions to the ongoing period of depressed demand – mature producers like Nigeria and Angola are facing liquidity issues and struggle to keep their 2020 budget afloat, whilst up-and-coming oil-producing nations like Senegal or Ghana are expected to have a relatively cushioned blow thanks to the economic steam they’ve picked up in the past years. Yet for the long-term future of African oil production, sub-Saharan nations should proactively seek to attract international investors now, to reap future benefits when the price of crude rises back to commercially reasonable levels. The case of Tanzania, long mooted to become the star of the nascent East African oil bonanza, is a fitting example of why the coronavirus-triggered market impacts are so divergent. Over the last couple of years Tanzanian authorities seemed to do their utmost to scare off foreign investors. First, they have ran ashore with tightening […]