Coronavirus coverage might overshadow the recent developments in Libya, yet rarely has the situation on ground been more complex and difficult to predict. Field Marshal Khalifa Haftar first announced that he is about to take control of entire Libya, allegedly spearheading a “popular mandate” to consolidate the North African country, only to later declare a month-long ceasefire for the entire holy month of Ramadan. The internationally-recognized government of National Accord (GNA) riposted by declaring that it does not trust Haftar and that its fighters would continue fighting , disregarding the unilateral ceasefire announced by the Field Marshal. More fighting, less long-term certainty and no thought for Libya’s ailing oil sector – a combination of things that Libya needs the least on its road to recovery. Field Marshal Haftar’s army has been fighting to wrest control over Tripoli for 13 months already, yet the last 2-3 weeks witnessed a series […]