The most recent edition of the Energy Information Agency monthly Drilling Productivity report confirmed what news reports had anecdotally told us. U.S. domestic shale production is on a decline, and one I think, from which it will never recover. Is it going to round trip to 2010 levels? No, I am not predicting that, and will discuss where I think shale production is heading later in this article. First, a brief recap. I have discussed the problems and fallacies associated with shale in a number of OilPrice articles over the last year. Note-I typically go into a lot of technical and geologic detail in these articles. If you missed them, here’s some links you may find illustrative. In these articles, I began pointing out some of these problems, and how certain companies were poised to overcome them. Parent/Child well performance declines Early onset of water production Lack of Tier-1 […]