A new study of the impact of high EV adoption on the Western US power grid by a team from Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) has found that 2028 grid resource adequacy—from generation through transmission—is likely to be sufficient for high EV penetration. Under a high-penetration scenario with national electric fleets of ~24 million light-duty vehicles (LDVs), 200,000 medium-duty vehicles (MDVs), and 150,000 heavy-duty vehicles (HDVs) for a 2028 time-frame, PNNL does not expect resource adequacy issues in the Western power grid (Western Electricity Coordinating Council [WECC]) under normal operating conditions (normal system, weather, and water conditions). The corresponding electric fleet sizes for the WECC footprint are 9 million LDVs, 70,000 MDVs and 94 HDV charging stations. The team estimated the EV resource adequacy for the entire WECC interconnection for a likely unmanaged charging scenario under which most LDVs were charging at home starting in the evening (Home High […]