China’s July crude imports from the US surged 524.4% from June to a fresh high of 3.67 million mt, or 866,793 b/d, propelling the producer to become China’s fifth largest supplier in the month, data from the General Administration of Customs showed Aug. 26. Receive daily email alerts, subscriber notes & personalize your experience. Register Now The US’ crude oil imports to China were last highest in January 2018 when inflows hit 2.01 million mt, or 474,450 b/d. The flow then slowed and dried up for a few months amid the China-US trade tensions. In the second half of 2020, China’s is expected to overtake South Korea as the top Asian customer of US crude. The country is poised to receive about 80 million barrels over July-December based on current buying pace, with Beijing stepping up efforts to comply with the Phase 1 trade deal it struck […]