Haggard and hungry, Nelson Torrelles took a midmorning breather at a truck stop after walking for hours with his wife and 5-year-old daughter along a Colombian highway leading back to their home in Venezuela. Three hundred more miles, many to be covered on foot, remained. The Torrelles family are among the five million Venezuelans who have since 2014 fled their country , escaping hunger, crime, unemployment and an authoritarian regime. More than 100,000 of these migrants have opted to return to Venezuela since March when coronavirus lockdowns shattered the lives they were rebuilding in Colombia, Peru and other Latin American countries. Many returnees have set off on foot, pulling roller suitcases, pushing shopping carts piled high with their belongings, and pleading for food and rides along the way. What awaits in Venezuela is more hardship—state-run quarantine centers for returning migrants and, once released, the daily struggle to secure […]