US Gulf Coast gasoline differentials spiked Aug. 24 as the region monitored approaching tropical storms Marco and Laura. Not registered? Receive daily email alerts, subscriber notes & personalize your experience. Register Now S&P Global Platts assessed USGC 87 octane CBOB at the NYMEX October RBOB futures contract plus 2.50 cents/gal after it traded at that level in the Platts Market on Close assessment process. That was up 3.87 cents on the day and highest level seen for that differential since it reached front-month futures plus 2.70 cents/gal on September 27, 2019. “[I] feel like the storm hype is pushing things up,” said a source, adding that the support “will probably stall out as we get closer and it’s not as bad as anticipated. But if [the] storms get stronger, all […]