Coal headlines this summer have been uniformly doom-and-gloom, with stories like “ Renewables surpass coal in US energy generation for first time in 130 years ” from the Guardian, “ Coal’s Decline Continues with 13 Plant Closures Announced in 2020 ” from Scientific American’s E&E Energy News platform, and “ The U.S. Coal Industry Is Declining Irreversibly ” from Oil Price. While coal has long been struggling in the U.S., the coronavirus pandemic, of course, only made things worse. But while coal has been on the decline for a long time now in the west, its demise has been much slower in Asia, where coal exporters have managed to keep opening up new markets and the twin giants of China and India have continued to depend on coal for a considerable amount of their respective domestic energy mixes. Back in June when Oilprice wrote that “ 2020 Will Be […]