US crude oil stocks moved sharply higher in the week ended Dec. 4 as exports tested multiyear lows and imports surged to levels last seen in July, US Energy Information Administration data showed Dec. 9. Receive daily email alerts, subscriber notes & personalize your experience. Register Now Commercial crude inventories climbed 15.19 million barrels higher to 503.23 million barrels last week. It was the largest one-week build since the week ended April 10 and pushed inventories to nearly 11% above the five-year average, opening the widest supply overhang since late September. The build was realized mostly on the US Gulf Coast, where stocks surged 11.79 million barrels to a 15-week high 273.96 million barrels, and on the US West Coast, where stockpiles climbed 3.19 million barrels to 47.75 […]