It’s the oddest of odd couples, yet understandable. According to a Reuters exclusive , the U.S. oil industry is teaming up with the U.S. corn industry to defeat a common foe: newly inaugurated President Joe Biden. President Joe Biden has made his intentions on electric vehicles clear: hi team with march on towards electric veichles, transitioning the entire federal fleet of ICE vehicles to U.S.-made EVs in a process that will surely take years. But the oil industry isn’t eager to go quietly into that dark night, and is hoping U.S. corn growers—who have fought valiantly on the opposite side of the oil industry for tougher biofuel standards—are equally as reluctant to sit back and watch the shift to Evs happen, at their expense. The oil industry, according to Reuters, is meeting “a cool reception”. The U.S. oil industry and the corn industry have always found themselves on opposite […]