Crude oil futures settled at fresh 13-month highs Feb. 9 amid tightened supply outlooks. Not registered? Receive daily email alerts, subscriber notes & personalize your experience. Register Now NYMEX March WTI settled 39 cents higher at $58.36/b, and ICE April Brent climbed 53 cents to $61.09/b. The US Energy Information Administration revised its crude price forecast higher in its in its monthly Short-Term Energy Outlook, released Feb. 9, amid tighter first-quarter supply outlooks. The EIA now expects Brent crude prices to average at around $53.20/b in 2021, up 45 cents from its January forecast, and at $55.19/b in 2022; and the WTI spot price to average at around $50.21/b in 2021, up 46 cents from its most recent report, and at $51.56/b in 2022. The upward […]