Total US propane product supplied reached the highest level in recorded history by gaining 714,000 b/d in the week ending Feb. 5, Energy Information Administration data showed Feb. 10. Not registered? Receive daily email alerts, subscriber notes & personalize your experience. Register Now EIA data revealed propane product supplied, or implied demand, at 2.20 million b/d, the highest level since data for propane demand was first released in April 2004. Propane demand hit 2.10 million b/d, then the second-highest total ever, in the week ending Jan. 8. Propane stocks fell to the lowest level since the week ending April 12, 2019, tumbling 4.51 million barrels to 51.5 million barrels for a 15th consecutive weekly draw. “We [are] running out,” one market participant said of propane inventories. Total propane production and […]

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