Highlights Majors eye hydrogen future, cutting carbon Pandemic hurries implementation of new technologies Returning oil demand, higher prices to test industry’s constraint The 2021 CERAWeek by IHS Markit conference, arguably the premier fossil fuels forum, may have been the most unique of its nearly 40-year history and this year highlighted that the march by an “old-economy” industry into the energy transition has revved up and is gaining momentum. Receive daily email alerts, subscriber notes & personalize your experience. Register Now The annual event, spanning the week of March 1, was the first virtual CERAWeek and the first in two years after the 2020 conference was cancelled on coronavirus concerns eight days before its scheduled start date. Over 19,000 delegates registered, three times previous attendance levels. And while climate change had been a subject at CERAWeek for years, energy transition dominated most 2021 sessions, even those specifically keyed to oil […]

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