China’s crude imports gained 5.8% on the year to 11.13 million b/d in January-February 2021, rebounding from the 27-month low of 9.1 million b/d recorded in December, General Administration of Customs data released March 7 showed. Not registered? Receive daily email alerts, subscriber notes & personalize your experience. Register Now On a metric tons basis, crude imports in the first two months rose 4.1% on the year to 89.57 million mt. The GAC releases data in metric tons, which S&P Global Platts converts to barrels using a 7.33 conversion factor. The increase was attributed to the wave of arrivals for the independent sector which took advantage of the fresh crude import quotas allocated for 2021. Platts data showed that the sector’s crude imports surged 32.6% on the […]