Permian flared volume falls to 2% from 16% in Q3 2019 Company to eliminate routine flaring onshore by 2025 Flaring, emissions cuts buoy US output growth in 2021 BP is making a down payment on its plan to achieve net-zero carbon emissions by mid-century, recently announcing a $1.3 billion investment to end routine flaring from its US onshore operations by 2025. Receive daily email alerts, subscriber notes & personalize your experience. Register Now The company is already targeting its footprint in the US’ busiest shale play – the Permian of West Texas. With an initial $300 million investment in the Grand Slam oil, gas, and water handling facility, BP has already reduced its flared volume in the Permian to just 2% of its total, down from as much as 16% in the fourth quarter 2019. The new processing facility, located near Orla, Texas, began operation last summer using […]