Highlights ‘Looking at’ gas balance to assess Ukraine transit Sees ‘no repeat’ in 2021 of gas market oversupply 2021 ‘more predictable’ from gas pricing perspective Russian gas giant Gazprom expects its European gas exports in 2021 to be in a range of 175-183 Bcm, the CEO of its export arm said April 29. Receive daily email alerts, subscriber notes & personalize your experience. Register Now Speaking during Gazprom’s annual investor day, Gazprom Export CEO Elena Burmistrova also said the company was assessing its gas balances before deciding on future transit capacity bookings via Ukraine. Gazprom’s gas exports to the Far Abroad (Europe plus Turkey minus the countries of the former Soviet Union) totaled 175 Bcm last year, meaning Gazprom’s supplies to Europe could be flat in 2021 if they come in at the lower end of the forecast range. That is despite significantly higher prices in 2021 compared with […]