It is very hard to give up on one’s own resource bounty and Australia knows it only too well. Endowed with the world’s third-largest coal reserves coupled with ample hydrocarbon plays in offshore deposits, many of which are still yet to be assessed and located, Australia’s energy transition to include more of renewables into its energy matrix has always been burdened by cautious skepticism. Would it serve Australia’s interests if it started to wind down coal production too soon? Difficult as it is to answer that question reliably, Australia would certainly benefit from a bit of experimenting, incorporating the lowest-hanging renewables fruits and then seeing where to go next. Bursting into the public consciousness with grand ambitious projects, wind energy might very well become Australia’s new favourite. Of the 260GW renewable energy capacity added in 2020 across the globe, Australia’s share corresponded to 3% (7GW). This was marked as […]