China’s exports of key oil products fell 21.6% month on month in May, showed preliminary data from the General Administration of Customs, or GAC, on June 18. The fall in exports came as the major oil companies held more stocks at home to cater to domestic demand amid limited availability of export quotas and record-high crude throughput, market sources and analysts said. Receive daily email alerts, subscriber notes & personalize your experience. Register Now The country exported a combined 3.8 million mt of gasoline, gasoil and jet fuel in May, down from 4.85 million mt in April and the 11-month-high of 5.08 million mt in March, the data showed. During the same time, China’s crude throughput hit an all-time-high of 14.31 million b/d, rising 1.1% from April and 4.5% from the […]